Imagine That, A Nation Built On Service, Sacrifice, Faith And Freedom And NOT Behaviorism
The Oppressive, Universal Law Of Technological Progress by Dr. And Minster Diane K. Olson

Unconventional, Natural Methods to Healing The Corona Virus by A Faith Healer

Unconventional, natural methods to healing the corona virus by a faith healer who has experienced firsthand how to heal the corona virus.  

Internal natural remedies:

Aloe vera juice

Chlorophyll liquid in water

Chlorophyll gel capsules

Silver shield liquid 

Chlorella tablets

Orange juice

Peach juice

Vitamin C


Green tea






Steamed, soft vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower with tofu cheese on top and/or with soft, fluffy, steamed rice

Kashi cereal with milk

Cascadian Farms mixes with rice and beans and soft vegetables

Tazo tea

Arizona tea

Celestial tea

External natural remedies:

Shea butter

Cocoa butter

Vitamin E moisturizer

Esther-C cream

Seaweed products

Silver shield gel

Chlorophyll liquid

Some of these natural healing products can be found at or the vitamin shoppe or your local natural foods store/market or your local food co- op.

These things also keep your body healthy and immune to the virus as well. Sincerely and with love and care for your well-being, Diane and Jesus




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