I/We are still raising funds for me and Jesus' Compassion for the Afflicted ministries/sanctuaries/healing, grace-filled places (www.compassionfortheafflicted.com, www.compassionfortheafflicted.org, https://www.gofundme.com/compassion-for-the-afflicted) throughout the earth, which we are starting here in the Heartland/Holy Land of Iowa and Minnesota. If you would like to donate funds, we are trying to raise an initial 500,000 dollars in the next two weeks to build the first sanctuary in WDM. They are going to be totally beautiful, peace-filled, grace-filled, covered with Jesus' blood on the CROSS, places for the mentally-afflicted (not us) to go to be healed by us and folks, we need money for this project which has been placed on our hearts by God Almighty Our Heavenly Father/Mother and which will heal so many of you who are suffering from mental afflictions from the way the world is constructed out there -- not God's fault but please know that we love you very much and would appreciate your support -- your financial and prayer support -- for this greatly need ministry to be run by Dr. Diane K. Olson-Nielsen and Dr. Jesus Christ Nielsen here in the Heartland and that God Almighty intends to spread out across the earth and to replace -- adamantly replace -- all those god-awful "behavioral health units" that are wrongly and unethically and illegally perpetuating throughout the USA and causing people -- good, kind-hearted people -- to wrongly suffer at the hands of the government and catholics who are control-freaks, unlike us Lutherans who want peace on earth and kind-hearted, compassionate healing throughout the earth. IN JESUS' AND DIANE KAY'S HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, ALL-LOVING, ALL-COMPASSIONATE AND ALL-POWERFUL NAMES. Love always, Queen/Dr. Diane Kay and King/Dr. Jesus Christ Nielsen